SD Social Studies & OSEU Unit 3

 Unit 3

What are the Social Studies “Connector Statements” and where are the SD SS & OSEU Exemplar Lesson Plans?

In this unit, you’ll find out about the SD Social Studies & OSEU “Connector Statements” and the Social Studies standards & OSEU aligned exemplar lesson plans developed by the state. You’ll also have an “in depth”  experience with one of those lesson plans.





Unit 3a: Connector Statements on SD DOE Disaggregated Templates:

The screen images above should help you as you use the link above to visit the DOE disaggregated Social Studies standards and OSEU page and find a SD Social Studies standard that has an OSEU connector statement YOU might use to begin building a lesson. Once you visit the page and scroll down to the links, you’ll need to use the OSEU overview link to find out which standards have OSEU connector statements. Once you’ve found a standard that has a connector, use the disaggregated template link for that standard and find the connector statement(s) at the bottom of the template.

Unit 3a: Once you’ve found a standard and an OSEU connector statement that fits with your grade level & social studies subject area, take a few minutes to answer the “Unit 3a: OSEU Connector Statements” survey (click here)

SD SS Lesson Plans:

Use the link above to visit the Social Studies lesson plans page and explore some Exemplar lessons that fall into your grade level.

Unit 3b: A brief experience with one Exemplar Lesson (PK-2, 3-5, 6-8 or 9-12)
Grade Level Spans PK-2 & 3-5:
Grade Level Spans 6-8 & 9-12:

Unit 3b: Once you’ve read through and viewed the resources embedded within the Exemplar lesson linked above that fits your grade level, take a few minutes to answer the “3b: Exemplar Social Studies & OSEU Lesson” survey (click here)


Next Unit: Unit 4
How Does the Inquiry Design Model (IDM) Work… and How Do I Use it to Build a Lesson